Richard Onyango Ombima
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, KENYA
Dr. Susan Were
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, KENYA
CITATION: Ombima, O. R. & Were, S. (2014). Factors Affecting the Performance of Uniformed Officers of the Kenya Prisons Service. European Journal of Business Management, 2(1), 173-189.
Kenya prisons service is a Department within the Ministry of Interior and Co- ordination of National Government. The department derives its mandate from the Prisons Act Chapter 90 (CAP 90 ) Laws of Kenya and Borstal Institutions Act Chapter 92 (CAP 92 ) Laws of Kenya which empowers the service to perform the following functions - Containment and safe custody of inmates, Rehabilitation and reformation of prisoners, The study established the factors affecting the performance of uniformed officers of the Kenya prisons service. The study was guided by the four objectives which included recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of employment, training and development and leadership effects contributes to performance of uniformed Officers of the Kenya prisons service. The study adopted descriptive survey and case study design this is because the study intended to obtain an in depth understanding on factors affecting the performance of uniformed officers of the Kenya prisons service. The study targets1010 prison officers within prison institutions in Nairobi County the researcher further used Simple random sampling methodwhere10% of the target population from each category was selected to give a sample size of 101 respondents. The study findings established that there is a significant positive relationship between, recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of employment, training and development and leadership and the performance of uniformed officers of the Kenya prisons service. The findings also indicated that recruitment and selection followed by leadership, training and terms and conditions of employment affects the performance of uniformed officers of the Kenya prisons service.
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