Guidelines for Authors
EJoBM Research Academia’ publishes bimonthly peer reviewed research journals in various disciplines. Authors are requested to observe the following guidelines before submitting the manuscript:
- Language of the articles will be English.
- The manuscript should be original and not been published previously. Authors will submit an undertaking in the cover letter that the submitted paper has not been published /or currently being considered by another journal.
- The manuscript should be in MS Word format in the given template (Authors' Template[DOC]) submitted directly through our website or as an email attachment.
- Manuscripts may be between 2000-7000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, text, tables, footnotes, appendixes and references. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an abstract of 250-300 words. 3-5 keywords or key phrases are required.
- The copyrights of the accepted papers will be transferred to EJoBM Research Academia as publishers. The authors would need to agree to the transfer of copyrights in the cover letter
- Publication fee is USD 150 per paper with maximum 5000 words.
- Authors are wholly responsible for any plagiarism identified in their work. EJoBM Research Academia or any journal published by us will not assume any responsibility for acts of plagiarism committed by the authors.
- Once the article/s submitted for publication, authors are not permitted to add any new author/s or delete the names of authors from the paper/s.
- Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition. Authors should ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
- It is not our policy to pay authors.
- By submitting paper, author agrees to the terms and conditions of EJoBM Research Academia.
- Publication fee is non-refundable.
- For further inquiries please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact us here.
- Manuscripts should be submitted directly through our website (submit manuscript) or sent as an email attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Editor
EJOBM Journals
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